Resources for Parenting

Strategies for Parents of Young Children

   Strategies for Parents of Young Children

Parent Coaching, Parenting Talks and Workshops for Parents with Young Children

Upcoming Talks and Workshops:



Parenting in America: Different land? Different culture? Different family Life? Are you raising children in a culture that is different from the one in which you grew up? Are you curious about how or why some Americans raise their children the way that they are? Do you wonder where you can learn about other ways of parenting? Do you want to keep your culture alive in your children? The registration fee is $25. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, May 2 at 7 p.m. Pacific

Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. Eastern

Help! I Just Don’t Understand My Child! Why Does My Child Act Like That? Do you complain about how “hard” it is to parent your child? Or do you sigh with relief that your child is so “easy?” The registration fee is $25. Click here for more information.

    Tuesday, May 16 at 7 p.m. Pacific
Help! How Can I Potty Train My Child? Lots of articles on the internet, lots of advice from grandparents, lots of competition amongst friends. What’s best for your child? You? The registration fee is $25. Click here for more information.    
Tuesday, May 30 at 7 p.m. Pacific


Help! What Should I Do When My Child Has a Temper Tantrum? Does saying: “Sit on this step! Go to your room! Calm down!” help? Understanding anger mountain, temper tantrums, & time outs will. The registration fee is $25. Click here for more information.    

Tuesday, May 23 at 7 p.m. Pacific


When Parents Disagree about Parenting, the Positive Discipline approach may help: Parents disagree for different reasons including over discipline, schooling, managing sibling relationships. Relationships are fragile. Finding solutions will help everyone feel better about being in the family. When parents separate or divorce, resolving disagreements becomes more imperative. This workshop will be LIVE on Zoom, not recorded. The registration fee for the 6-week workshop is $300 per person. There will be 6 class sessions and 6 Q&A/group coaching sessions. Click here for more information.

    6-week Workshop:
Wednesdays, Beginning May 10, at 7 p.m. Pacific

6-week Workshop:
Fridays, Beginning May 12 at 10 a.m. Pacific
Overcome Being Overwhelmed for Parents: Too much to do? Too little time to do it all? Too many tugs on your heart and your time? Have you been wondering: “How can I get all done?” You will discover what steps you can take to become less overwhelmed. You will be in a supportive and encouraging environment which is often needed for making a positive change. The registration fee is $25. Click here for more information.    
Monday, April 24 at 7 p.m. Pacific

Sign up to receive Parenting Resources: First resource: free step-by-step guide for when there are Power Struggles in the Family.


Sign up to receive Overcoming Being Overwhelmed resources: First resource: free step-by-step guide to Overcome Procrastination.

One-to-One Parent Coaching:

Parent coaching is for parents who are having a hard time. When parenting is hard, parents wonder what they should do. Parent coaching is for parents who are wanting to parent well and are curious about how to make parenting easier. Resources For Parenting Parent Coaching is dedicated to helping parents overwhelmed by parenting challenges and life’s circumstances. With one-to-one parent coaching, you will develop your own Parenting Care Plan that will help you to parent well when it is not easy. Click here for more information.

Coaching/parenting talks/workshops will be presented by Jennifer Watanabe, long-time Parent Educator and Parent Coach:

  • PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) Facilitator in 1996
  • Bellevue College Parent Education Instructor – retired October 2021 after 24 years of teaching
  • Certified Parent Coach from Seattle Pacific University’s Parent Coaching Institute since 2007
  • Certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator since 2011 

Instagram: @ResourcesForParenting

Facebook: ResourcesForParenting


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