I have empathy for those who struggle with how to parent.
I will always remember my struggles when I was a new parent. As much as I wanted to be a good parent, I found that I was not prepared.
I now realize that each parent comes to parenting in their own way. For some it is natural and for others it is not. I learned to give myself grace when my parenting instincts did not kick in.
I had all of this intention, but I was not sure how to parent well. I had to learn ways to parent the way that I had always dreamed of. Thankfully, I learned how to parent in an encouraging and effective way. I found that parenting in a kind way had a positive impact on my relationships with my children and on their behavior.
Every family has its own challenges. I remember one of my family’s challenges was my being a working parent. I remember when my children were young how much I struggled trying to “do it all” in a very short amount of time.
Another challenge I am know of first hand is how hard it is on the family when parents divorce or separate. Growing up our family struggled when my parents divorced both before and after their divorce. I am sensitive to the extra stress that happens when family life changes.
Inspired by my experience I went on to work with parents. For over 25 years I have been teaching, coaching and encouraging hundreds of parents of young children. My research-based strategies are effective and strengthen the parent-child bond.
I offer advice and guidance. I encourage you along the way as you make changes to your family life.