Resources for Parenting

Strategies for Parents of Young Children

  Caring for Parents with Young Children

Positive Parenting Class with Coaching

Today’s parents have found that:

  • Times have changed. You may not want to ask your parents for parenting advice.
  • Gathering reliable parenting information is complicated. You don’t know whom to trust.
  • Positive parenting is new. You want to learn more about how to parent in a loving way.

What can you do when you are wondering about the best way to parent?

Would you like to learn more about positive parenting?

Positive parenting is an approach that is research-based, effective and encouraging. This approach strengthens the parent-child/parent-teen relationship.

If you are looking for common ground because you and your co-parent disagree about how best to parent, the positive parenting approach may help.

The upcoming positive parenting class will focus on ways to make parenting easier. This four-week class will offer up tools and phrases to:

  • Manage big emotions.
  • Honor and manage the different temperaments in your family.
  • Teach more effectively for “next time.”
  • Be more encouraging.

This class is for you if you are wondering how to make family life better.

These classes will meet on Zoom. They are convenient. There is no commute, and you may not need a baby-sitter. This is a LIVE program, not recorded. It will be easy to ask questions and to get real-time answers.

Positive parenting uses a WIN-WIN approach: more effective parenting and more cooperative children. You will feel calmer and more confident during those difficult moments. 

You can select evening or morning sessions.

The registration fee is $100 per family for four class sessions.

The following sessions start in July:

4 WEDNESDAY evenings from 7-8:30 pm: July 12, 19, 26 and August 2 — Click here to register for the WEDNESDAY evening class.

4 FRIDAY mornings from 10-11:30 am: July 14, 21, 28 and August 4 — Click here to register for the FRIDAY morning class.

Each link will take you to a registration page. Once you register you will receive the Zoom link for the class.

In addition to the four weeks of classes, there will be separate Q&A/group coaching sessions available. Parents can attend any or all of the sessions offered during the four weeks. These sessions are included in the registration fee. You will receive a second Zoom link for the Q&A/coaching sessions after you register.

The classes will be facilitated by Jennifer Watanabe, a long-time parent educator and parent coach. She teaches/coaches in a respectful, non-judgmental, and encouraging way. 

When there is less uncertainty about how best to parent, there is less stress. When there is less stress, the children will be happier. They will feel more loved and will be more loving. Everyone will feel better about being in your family.

Less Stress = More Happiness = More Love All Around

“I think I love you more.” This is what a young boy told his mother after class.

Click here for an information page.

If you would like to learn more about these classes, please email:

Jennifer Watanabe, Parent Coach

  • Bellevue College Parent Education Instructor – retired after teaching parenting classes for 24 years.
  • Certified Parent Coach from Seattle Pacific University’s Parent Coaching Institute.

Parenting classes and parent coaching are not therapy. Therapy TREATS emotional wounds and can be a much-needed family resource. Parenting classes offer new tools. Coaching acknowledges the past, and then CREATES a plan with the parent for moving forward.

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