Resources for Parenting

Strategies for Parents of Young Children

   Strategies for Parents of Young Children

Parent Coaching

Before your child was born, you thought that parenting would be joyful and manageable. Now you find that some days are hard. You might find that parenting can be lonely.

When parenting is hard, parents wonder what they should do.

Parents who are having a hard time may need more understanding of what they are going through, more support to help them get through this time, and more grace. They may need more tools. They will need less criticism, less guilt, less self-blaming.

Parent Coaching is personal, and it is encouraging.

Here are some parenting challenges that we can work on together: 

      • Realizing that sometimes parenting is just hard and sometimes you just do not know how to parent well.
      • Strengthening the parent-child/parent-teen relationship.

      • Being a more encouraging, less critical parent.

      • Improving family communication – telling your family’s love story – what to say and how.

      • Managing the big emotions in the family, including temper tantrums.

      • Mapping the temperament differences in the family. What to do when the personalities in the family just are not compatible. How to minimize the upsets that are prompted by temperament.

      • Parenting toddlers and preschoolers, including managing potty training, picking a preschool, supporting new friendships, managing temper tantrums and time-outs.

      • When parents disagree about parenting.

      • When parents want to stop bribing their children in order to get their cooperation.

      • When and how parents return to work after parental leave including choosing childcare.

      • When parents are overwhelmed by work and family life.

    Through coaching you will work towards giving yourself grace. Sometimes parenting is hard. Discovering what helps, then finding ways to do what helps is made easier with coaching.

    You can find ways to be more calm… find ways to be a more responsive, less reactive parent. 

    We will meet on Zoom or on the telephone. The coaching fee is $100/hour.

    Schedule a free 15-minute consultation: Is coaching right for you? You will discover if coaching is the best approach for your family.

    Click here for an information page describing the positive parenting class and parent coaching.

    Jennifer Watanabe, Parent Coach:

    • PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) Facilitator in 1996.
    • Bellevue College Parent Education Instructor – retired after teaching parenting classes for 24 years.
    • Certified Parent Coach from Seattle Pacific University’s Parent Coaching Institute.

    Parent coaching is not therapy. Therapy TREATS emotional wounds and can be a much-needed family resource. Coaching acknowledges the past, and then CREATES a plan with the parent for moving forward.

    One-to-One Parent CoachingSchedule a one-hour coaching appointment.

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